Affiliate marketing

Top 3 Unobvious Affiliate Marketing Strategies that Actually work

7 min read
May 27, 2017

Build a website, write reviews, use Adwords and social media to promote the content you created - you can find similar suggestions of affiliate marketing strategies everywhere on the Internet. But how many times do you want to read similar suggestions over and over again?

Affiliate marketing is a concept that you probably know pretty well already. In spite of what you might have heard though, making money online this way requires a lot of devotion and a strategic approach, too. While you can find tons of guides on what affiliate marketing strategies you should adopt to succeed in this business, they all seem to be quite repetitive.

Here, we’d like to provide you with top 3 alternatives: affiliate marketing strategies that are not so obvious, yet they were thoroughly checked and positively verified by members of our in-house partner program.

1. Offer a direct, honest recommendation

The power of your honest opinion cannot be underestimated. As long as it is honest, of course! While lots of performance marketers and bloggers focus on making their product reviews and comparisons as professional as possible, the content they create often lacks a spark. Reviews seem generic and devoid of both a real-life context and an actual proof of usability (by the way, a nice tactic is to embed Google Reviews into your website).

The method that stands out in crowd nowadays is a direct recommendation. It usually provides readers with your unique experiences with products and services that you’ve been using.

example article published on livechat partners blog

Example of an article published on a blog by one of LiveChat Partners

Recommending favorite products have recently become really popular among youtubers explaining what their favourite cosmetics and mobile phones’ accessories are. Nonetheless, it's still rare for the promotion of products and services from categories associated to B2B, e-commerce, and customer service.

Meanwhile, an honest recommendation has the power that any review will ever achieve.

Don't try to list all available features and avoid comparing them to what other vendors offer. All you have to do is to let people know what were your initial expectations and did the product meet them.

Let your audience know in what way had the product you wrote about (or made a video about) impacted your life and how can others benefit from using it. That’s the information people will always find valuable!

Obviously, this affiliate marketing strategy works especially well for bloggers, online communities opinion leaders and industry influencers. It is based on their genuine experiences with products they describe and insightful observations made while using. It takes a major advantage of the authority they built and reliability they managed to confirm over time.

Don’t expect to become an influencer by tomorrow afternoon, though. It simply takes time. However, it’s a great idea to start building your position right away. No affiliate marketing strategies are as efficient as this one.

2. Optimize your content for specific topics instead of for major keywords

As you probably know already, Google keeps on fighting keyword targeting for a while now. In fact, their efforts make performance marketers’ work more and more difficult every day.

On the surface, this may seem like bad news in its entirety. But is it?

While the environment for performance marketers may seem as hostile as never before, Google’s approach is a challenge you can take advantage of. Turn it into an amazing opportunity to overcome your competitors who are struggling to optimize their content to major keywords. Target specific topics typical for several long tail keywords. Instead of trying to reach No. 1 spot in Google search engine for major keywords, focus on topics related to them, which your prospects should find enticing.

affiliate marketing strategies

Need an example?

Allow me to use LiveChat case to explain how this affiliate marketing strategy actually works. Take a look at ‘live chat software’ keyword. It has over 1k monthly search volume in The United States alone, but its keyword difficulty score is 91 according to Ahrefs’ Keywords Explorer tool. Simply speaking, it would rather be unlikely for you to get on the 1st page in Google search for this particular keyword. Regardless of how valuable your content actually is!

Now, what you can do here to multiply your chances of success is:

Let me give you a small hint: LiveChat has a dedicated Wordpress plugin as well as free plugins for other CMS platforms, thanks to which it can be easily integrated with them. Let’s take a look at ‘live chat for wordpress’ keyword. While it has only 150 monthly search volume in The US, the keyword difficulty is much lower! Apparently, the difficulty score in Ahrefs is only 26 so it should be much easier to reach this group of potential customers with a content that refers exactly to the topic they look for.

You can even take it one step further

Let's create an in-depth piece of content for a very particular topic. How about: 'the best live chat software for Wordpress as well as other cms platforms like Joomla and Drupal’?  It won’t even matter where the article ranks under ‘live chat software’ or ‘live chat for wordpress’ keywords. The aggregated amount of relevant long-tail traffic you’ll receive from various sources is something that will definitely stun you.

ahrefs dashboard

This affiliate strategy is closely connected to the necessity of knowing a niche you’re in and an in-depth knowledge of the product you strive to promote. Needless to say, while you might overcome this step somehow when promoting FMCG category products, it will definitely be impossible selling online customer service industry software.

By the way, LiveChat has just released a dedicated integration with Hubspot. That’s the information you should definitely take advantage of promoting LiveChat if you already signed up for our Partner Program.

3. Offer special deals to your customers

I’m not even sure how can similar affiliate marketing strategies get so overlooked. It’s seems quite obvious that performance marketers need to have an opportunity to provide their customers with unique offers. Promoting a product or service without anything special to give makes it much more difficult. After all, wouldn’t you click on an affiliate link if it led to a great deal on a product you wanted to buy anyway?

I bet you would!

That is why, at LiveChat Partner Program we have implemented a tool, thanks to which they’ll be able to attach special deals and - as a result - encourage more referrals to sign up using their affiliate links. Now we have a campaign builder that can extend LiveChat trial and attach discounts that we provide our partners with. That’s a game changing feature for hundreds of our partners!

discount banner

Example of a deal we make available for affiliates in LiveChat Partner Program

Accurate targeting of potential customers and good presale content are both extremely important but without some sort of an eye-catching deal affiliate offers are just not attractive enough. Actually, it’s an x-factor that we’ve been looking for ever since we launched our partner program.

Bonus tip: Experiment with unusual affiliate marketing strategies, content formats, and promotion methods

All the aforementioned affiliate marketing strategies has been successfully adopted by many of LiveChat partners. It doesn’t mean that they will work for you, though. After all, no one succeeded in this business merely by implementing previously proven solutions. Use them rather as a reference while developing your own approach.

Don’t hesitate to try new forms of communication and new formats of content. Your ultimate target is to approach groups of customers that had never been targeted before. Being innovative is what can make you stand out in crowd and succeed.