Online business

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5 Trends in 2023 That Will Impact the Future of Search

For years, Google has dominated the search market. The search engine still has the biggest share, but new players and new technologies are helping people get the answers they need online in different ways. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels How are people getting to the... read more

6 minutes
Aug 26, 2023

How to Analyze and Improve Your Chat Performance with GA4

Chatbots are an integral part of the customer service experience, with a striking 67% of global consumers having engaged with a chatbot in the past year. The rapid adoption of chatbots is hardly surprising, given their capacity to deliver round-the-clock customer support and... read more

9 minutes
Jul 11, 2023

Should You Use AI Chatbots or Human-Powered Customer Service?

Ah … the modern-day question: AI or human-powered customer service? Which option would best complement my company’s CS framework? Which option would help my customers and prospects get the level of support they not only need, but crave? If you’re ready to uplevel the customer... read more

7 minutes
May 23, 2023

How to make (tons of) money with affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is all about romance.  At first, it’s like speed-dating for companies. You introduce yourself to others with the hope of making a connection and getting a long-term partnership. Finally, you decide who you want to partner with, and then, you strengthen... read more

8 minutes
Jan 9, 2023

SEO-friendly website design

SEO implementation starts early in your web design phase. And every seasoned SEO expert advocates SEO-friendly website design for stellar SEO performance.  Here is everything you need to know about SEO-friendly website design! 1. Plan for the mobile-first design  So,... read more

16 minutes
Jan 2, 2023

5 Ways to Improve Your Lead Generation Using Video

If you want to run a successful business, you’re going to have to generate leads. But sometimes, it feels like there are about as many lead-gen strategies as there are stars in the Milky Way.  Nobody has time to try them all, so the question becomes: which strategy has the... read more

11 minutes
Feb 14, 2022

Heatmap Analysis Best Practices: Nearly Everything You Need To Know

Preliminary analyzes, A/B tests, or traffic testing. Certainly, no concept is foreign to you.  How about we say that you can get almost any information that is relevant to your website with just one tool? In the following, we show you an analytics tool that makes the... read more

6 minutes
Jan 31, 2022

4 Tips How to Implement AI to Your Enterprise

Artificial Intelligence is a hot topic. However, not everyone knows how to put it to work. According to MIT study, companies that actively implement breakthrough digital technologies like AI are 12% more expensive and 26% more profitable than their competitors. The development... read more

5 minutes
Jan 10, 2022