Adding new users to the license

3 min read
updated: May 22, 2024

Have you already created an account for your customer? There are a couple of reasons why you should invite new users to this account.

Firstly, you want to invite your customer to the license so they can use it. But apart from that:

  • you create accounts for all agents who will use it,
  • the more people, the higher chances for a successful sale,
  • you can create an additional account for yourself to customize customer’s license,
  • by inviting people you can earn more (the more people access the account, the more seats you’ll be able to sell).

Add as many people to the given license as you need. Once you finish the process, we’ll send them invitations to join the license.

Remember that adding a user will increase the cost of the license for the customer. Make sure to add only as many users as your customer needs.
Remember that adding a user will increase the cost of the license for the customer. Make sure to add only as many users as your customer needs.

Please note that when adding new users, you will have to assign them roles: 

- an Administrator (they have access to almost all the features and settings - other than payments)

- or an Agent (this role is mostly focused on chatting with clients). 

-> Read more about roles in LiveChat here.

-> Read more about roles in HelpDesk here.

If you want to purchase an additional account for yourself, don’t forget to assign yourself the Administrator role.
If you want to purchase an additional account for yourself, don’t forget to assign yourself the Administrator role.

How to invite people to a license

There are several ways of adding new users to a license.

1. When creating a license for your customer

User invitation is the 4th step of the license creation process. Simply add new users’ email addresses and assign them roles, and click “Create a license.”

2. From the license details of an account you already created

Start by finding the account you want to invite more people to (the ‘Licenses’ tab). Then, click on the right license ID. You’ll be taken to the “Summary” screen where you can both: invite new users, or send an invitation reminder.

3. From the ‘Users’ screen

When you’re in the license details, click on the “Users” tab.

This tab was solely created so you could:

  • add new users (send new invitations),
  • monitor the status of your invitations,
  • resend the invitations that haven’t been picked up.

After you resend the invitations, we’ll send a notification to your inbox every time:

  • your invitation was picked up (and a new user have created their account),
  • 48 hours have passed and the invitation wasn’t picked up.

Thanks to that, you’ll be always on track with your license.

Want to learn more about license notifications? Check this post: License alerts

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