The Sales & training section

1 min read
updated: Jun 19, 2024

In a need to build a sales offer for your customer? Looking for some straight-to-the point resources for your next sales demo? Or maybe you’re preparing product training for your customer?

You’ll find all these materials in the Sales & training section.

Here, you can find lots of ready-to-use resources that will help you to create your own demos or presentations with almost no effort. You’ll find there selling cheat sheets, screenshots, tutorials, and product demos that will help you to learn more about our products and easily prepare sales presentations for your customers.

The best thing about it is that it’s customizable, meaning that you can treat these docs as templates and add to the documents your own content and branding.

Apart from sales and training resources, you’ll also find here links to all recent educational materials. They will allow you to gain an even better understanding of how our products can benefit businesses.

How to get there? Go to the Solution > Sales & training section of your Partner App.

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