Using the campaign builder

3 min read
updated: Jun 18, 2024

Simple link-sharing is a quick and convenient way to promote our products. However, creating custom campaigns provides you with many additional options that give you a competitive advantage in the market.

So, what’s the difference between using the short link or the campaign builder?

The short link allows you to grab a link and share it on your pages in almost no time. However, its downside is that it doesn’t provide your audience with any extras: like a longer trial period or a discount for a good start. 

By creating a campaign through the campaign builder, you can incorporate these extras: change the trial length and add a discount. Apart from that, you can create the campaign’s name and choose the landing page you want your audience to visit first. The name is especially important as it allows you to spot how the given campaign went.

You can also choose the landing page your campaign will lead to. It’s important in terms of choosing the right messaging. You can send your audience to our features page (and encourage them to check how many perks our products offer), or send them to a dynamic custom page that will show a discount you have chosen for this particular campaign.

So, to sum it up. By using the campaign builder, you can:

Using the campaign builder, you can:

  • add a custom name to your campaign to track its effectiveness,
  • add a discount for your audience ($10 credit for a start or 10% off the first payment),
  • change the trial length,
  • choose a landing page,
  • and add custom params.
By mixing and testing the above options, you can define your winning strategy.
By mixing and testing the above options, you can define your winning strategy.

Campaign building

There are two ways you can access the campaign builder.

  1. From the Affiliate section Dashboard (“Create campaign” button).

  2. Or from the Campaigns section (“Create campaign” button).

Once there, you’ll see a short form allowing you to customize your offer:

  • name your campaign, 
  • choose a product,
  • choose a discount and/or trial length,
  • choose the page you want your audience to navigate to,
  • and hit the “Create campaign” button.

When building your campaign, take a closer look at a landing page selector. It allows you to easily choose a landing page for a particular audience. You can filter all pages by industry, language, or popularity and quickly decide which page will be the best fit for your campaign. 

By choosing the right landing page for your campaign, you’re increasing your chance of convincing your audience to give our products a try.
By choosing the right landing page for your campaign, you’re increasing your chance of convincing your audience to give our products a try.

Once you create your campaign, you’ll get a notification and your campaign link.

Remember that once the campaign is up and running, your job is not done yet. You still need to monitor its performance to make sure that the traffic you bring translates into trials and - eventually - paid accounts.

If you want to learn more about tracking your results, check this article out.

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