ChatBot in the Solution Program

2 min read
updated: Jul 1, 2019

Introducing ChatBot to your offer can give you a number of business opportunities. Let’s have a look into some of them.

Invite your customers to ChatBot

Now, you can set up your customers’ accounts directly in your Partner App (or using our Open API). The process is super-easy and looks exactly like in case of creating a LiveChat account.

First, you select a product you want to create a license for.

Then, you choose who shall manage the subscription. You can manage it and get a 20% discount for ChatBot, or your customer can do it (and you will earn a 20% commission on every customer payment).

The last step is to provide your customers’ business information and hit “Create a license.”

Then, the customer you picked as ChatBot license owner receives an email with invitation to start the ChatBot trial.

Whenever the client subscribes to a ChatBot paid account, you’ll start earning a 20% recurring revenue for a lifetime of the license.

Build your services around ChatBot

We consider ChatBot to be the software digital agencies and ecommerce consultants can build lots of professional services around. ChatBot does magic with online customer service optimization but it requires a certain level of expertise to be implemented correctly.

Use this as an opportunity to offer additional services. Learn how to build amazing bots and offer customers more than just a simple product recommendation. Join the ChatBot Academy and become the chatbot pro.

With the demand for business chatbots growing at a massive pace, running a ChatBot consultancy might occur as a perfect professional service in your business portfolio.

While the flow we’ve just implemented supports the scenario where a client pays for ChatBot and you get a commission, we soon plan to implement the alternative scenario. In it, you’ll be able to purchase ChatBot accounts for clients in the Partner App and then - resell them on your own terms.

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